Earth - Sales

Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques
Summary Manage anxiety by acknowledging and greeting it Reframe the situation as a conversation, not a performance Listen actively and respond to the audience’s needs Be concise and organized, using...

How to Win Friends and Influence People (EVERY PRINCIPLE)
This skillshare class discusses the principles outlined in “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie, providing actionable steps to improve social skills. The first three principles involve...

Growing a Business to $10,000,000: Alex Hormozi
This video walks through how a company, who was stuck at $570,000/month in revenue, was able to reach $10 million in revenue in just 4 months. It highlights the marketing...

TedX:How to Sell Without Selling Your Soul (Steve Harrison)
🔍 In this TEDx talk, Steve Harrison shares his personal experience of selling books door-to-door and reveals the key to successful sales: sincerely encouraging, listening, and loving the person you...

TedX: Your Body Language may Shape who you are(Amy Cuddy)
Body language can influence our thoughts and feelings about ourselves just as much as it affects how others view us. By adopting high-power nonverbal expressions, such as expanding our stance...

Live Sales Call Closing a Client: Iman Ghadzi
After watching a video, answer the questions in the comment box at the bottom of the page This is an example of a two-call close. The client is interested in...